Friday, June 14, 2019

Papaya Tree Album

Papaya is an easy to grow and delicious. Papaya can be eaten as a vegetable while green or as a fruit once it turns yellow. When young Papaya are light green or yellow and will start turning green as they grow. Papaya can be picked once they turn dark green in about a month, but they will become sweeter has they grow, so the larger the fruit the sweeter. Papaya will produce fruit for eight or 9 years, but the problem is getting to the fruit as they grow taller. My trees are about two years old and already 10 feet tall. I suspect I will need a ladder next year to pick the fruit.

Seeds from a locally bought Papaya can be used to grow Papaya. There are two genders (type A and B) with a complex flowering schedule and many speak about the need to have both types in your garden, but I've never had an issue and my trees are extremely productive. Perhaps I'm an exception.

About 30 saplings grew in about a month. I choose four of the strongest to be transplanted; however, Papaya are sensitive during the transplanting process and only two saplings survived. 
I planted the two saplings in the ground when they become about six months. They grew quickly and started to produce fruit about a year after planting them in the ground.

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