Thursday, March 12, 2020

Japanese Pumpkin (Kabocha Squash)

(3 March) After nearly three weeks, the Pumkin (Kabocha) plants started to sprout. When I was thinning the Tomato plants I stuck some of the larger plants in the dirt since the Kabocha had not yet sprouted, but surprisingly all the Tomato plants survived. Next I have to figure out how to route these vines. Kabocha are crawlers and they will not do well on the hot tile of my balcony, so I need to think of what to do. I may take them down stairs to grow in the yard. Stay tuned. 
(12 March) In just 9 days the Pumpkin plants have grown so much and amazingly the four Tomato plant suckers I planted seemed to have made it and growing as well.  

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