Thursday, May 7, 2020

Pakuchi (Cilantro, Coriander) Propagation

We use a lot of Cilantro (Pakuchi) and I have two planters growing that were planted about three weeks apart, but wanted to begin another planter using seeds I collected and let dry.
Inside each round seed pod is actually two seeds. The seed pod can be planted directly, but it may take a few weeks for the pod to soften and the seeds to germinate, so to speed up the process I place the seeds in a towel and use a round branch or rolling pin to gently crack the seed pods. 
(5/6) I prepare the soil (1 part potting soil, 1 part manure, 1 part fine mulch) and add a little water. Not too much, just enough to make it damp. I add the seeds and mix it up and place it in the center of the towel. I tightly tie the corners of the towel and lightly water the towel. I sit in a shaded area for three days and open. The seeds should have germinated. I prepare a shallow planter using the same soil mix above, break up the mix containing the germinated seeds and sprinkle them over the planter soil and lightly cover with more soil and water. keep is a shaded area until the sprouts are 3-4 days old and then move to full sun. The plants should be ready to pick in 30 days from that point. 

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