Friday, May 22, 2020

Japanese Sweet Potato (Satsumaimo, Beni Imo)

I have Japanese Sweet Potatoes growing in seven different planters and to be honest I have not labeled them well. Because Potatoes grow under the ground and take 4-6 months to grow it is impossible to monitor their progress, so recording the type of Potato planted and when is critical. The purpose of this post is an attempt to remedy that oversight.
Image result for japanese sweet potato
25 November) I did not plant slips in this container, but harvested purple Satsumaimo around 25 November. assume the vines are from small tubers or roots I missed during the harvest. Though it has been nearly six months since I harvest the Potatoes, the vines did not start to appear until much later, so do not think there are any mature Potatoes ready to harvest.  I will give this planter another month or two before I try and harvest.
(13 December) I planted 10-12 slips from a white Satsumaimo plant from a previous harvest and believe I planted a whole purple Beni Imo Potato as well. 
This container is ready to harvest, but it has been raining every day, so I will wait until we have a few clear days for the soil to dry, otherwise it will be a muddy mess. 

(December) These vines are from small tubers and roots I missed from a previous harvest. There were vines on the left side of the container, but no Potatoes. I think I will remove these vines and plant something else. 
(December) These vines are from small tubers and roots I missed from a previous harvest. I plan to remove everything from this planter, except the beans and plant more beans.  
 (19 January) I planted 10-12 slips from a white Satsumaimo.
(23 March) I planted 10-12 slips from a purple Satsumaimo.
(10 April) These are slips I got from a neighbor. My neighbor said they were white Satsumaimo, but the leaves are much different compared to my other Potatoes, so not sure what verity they are. I guess I will have to wait and see. I plan to use this container for slips to plant in a large container once the plant gets a little bigger.

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