Saturday, May 2, 2020

Daikon Radish

My wife saved the end of a Daikon Radish and I planted it. Now this cutting will not grow a new Daikon, but it will grow new greens, like Carrots and many other root vegetables. The greens can be used for cooking. 
Daikon Radish can grow as long as two feet (60 cm) and weight several pounds. They are used to make pickles, minced and mixed with Ponzu or soy sauce as a garnish for fish, added to Oden or soups containing beef, pork or fish. As well as dried for future use.
Daikon are extremely nutritious 
(5/1) I planted the Daikon cutting today, next to some Celery and a Red Daikon radish.
(5/18) The Daikon greens are growing well.

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