Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Soybean (Edamame)

Today I planted Soybeans (Edamame). The Package contained 38 seeds. The seeds should be spaced about 12 inches (30 cm) apart. This container is not that large, so I made six holes and placed two seeds in each hole. Once the seeds sprout, I will select the strongest sprout from each hole and remove the other. 
An image what a Soybean plant looks like. Soybeans are one of the most versatile beans in the world, but my favorite way to eat them is to boil the pod, lightly salt them and eat them right out of the pod. This is how you are most likely to eat them when visiting Japan. They are super delicious and high in protein.  
This is the package I have started from, but of course I will save some of the beans for my seed stock to grow more.
I live in a sub-tropical climate, which is identified in red, so I can plant Soybeans from April through mid-July. I will plant some more in May and the rest in June. The seeds generally sprout in about a week and take three to five months to mature. 
(4/18) It has only been three days and some of the Soybean seeds have sprouted.
(4/21) I planted twelve Soybean seeds in six holes and they all sprouted. Normally I would have sniped off the weakest plant, but did not want to waste the sprouts so I decided to dug them all up gentle and replanted them. Surprisingly the roots were already 5-6 inches (10-12 cm) long, but the soil was still loose and I could successfully remove and replant all the seeds, so I now have twelve plants. Even if I lose one or two it would have been worth the risk. I'll keep you posted.
(5/8) Growing so fast
(6/7) Growing well, but no flowers yet.

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