Friday, April 17, 2020

Canistel Tree (Egg Fruit)

Canistel (Egg Fruit) is originally from Mexico and some South American countries. Canistel is sweet and creamy with a texture a little more firmer than pudding, but a little less firm than a boil egg yoke, hence the nickname "egg fruit". Canistel is related to Abiu, which is described similarly.
Canistel seeds are quite large and have a short shelf life, so needs be planted within a few days from the day they are removed from the fruit. The seeds can take 2-3 months to germinate and the tree can start bearing fruit within 3-6 years. 
Canistel trees can grow quite large, but grow well in containers of adequate size and free draining. The container should be 18-24 inches (45-60 cm) diameter or larger and 20 inches (50 cm) deep or more.
(6/1) I planted these Canistel seeds a few months ago and they have yet to sprout. I dug up the seeds to check, but they are still intact so will just have to wait a while longer.
(7/4) After many months of waiting I can finally see a Canistel tree sprout.
(7/11) Both my Canistel seeds sprouted. I hope I they survive. 

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