Friday, April 24, 2020

Cloning (Air Layering Method)

Air Layering is a method of making a clone of a tree that is quite simple, yet effective. This chart is to help you understand the terms as I explain the process.
The first step is to select a branch about 10 mm (1/4 inch) thick and remove the leaves to make about 6 inches of space. 

1. Just below the node (towards the trunk) where you removed a leaf make a circular cut around the branch using a sterile knife or razor. Do not cut too deep, just the bark. 
2. About 1 1/2 inch below the first cut and before the next node make another circular cut.  
Make a straight cut between the two circular cuts and remove the bark. 
Gently scrap off all the Cambium between the two cuts. This will prevent any nutrients from getting to the end of the branch forcing the end of the branch to grow roots from the node.

Mix 3 parts organic material (leaf mulch) and one part potting soil using water to make a doughy ball and wrap it around the node. 
Wrap the ball with plastic tightly and tie off the ends. You do not want any water getting in to prevent rot. 
In about a month you should start seeing roots. Once you can see roots cut off the branch where you removed the bark and plant. You have a clone. 
(5/6) The branch is doing well and waiting to see roots through the plastic.
Day of Truth

(6/2) I performed this process nearly six weeks ago on 24 April. Roots should have grown by now if I was successful. 
Removed the plastic and cut the branch.
Yeah! There are roots.
I removed the dirt to exposed all the roots.
Covered the roots with root hormone.
I removed most of the leaves , clipped the bottoms one leaves to minimize water loss and planted it. Lets hope I succeed. 

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