Friday, April 10, 2020

Green Peppers (Piman)

My newest Green Pepper plant is doing well, but I removed some of the Peppers in order to get a few larger ones.
From my oldest plant.
(6/5) I transplanted this Green Pepper (Piman) plant to a larger container a couple weeks ago and it is now starting to flower. Green Pepper plants can last a year or more if taken care of. Key points to a long and productive plant is sufficient container space for a strong root system, regular feeding and watering, and trimming. Branches that start to grow outward faster than other branches can cause damage to the plant during high winds, so it is important to keep the plant symmetrical. You will notice I will need to trim to top right branch soon to keep it balanced. I have another plant that I planted in March 2019 and it is still going strong. I have gotten over 100 Peppers from that plant and it is still producing. 

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