Thursday, October 24, 2019

My Next Planter Project

I'm planning to build a few more raised planters for the back of my house. I do not have any special design tools, so I used PowerPoint. Forgive my crudeness. 

This planter is a bit narrow, but designed for a specific location with limited space. I plan to plant Kiwi or Passion Fruit in this planter, hence the trellis. Will use some cords initially to help it climb. Also, folks may ask why there is no bottom. Well, I will sit it on the ground and fill it with dirt, so no need for a bottom. 
I had some leftover plywood from Planter 1, so decided to make this. Not sure where or how to use it yet. Shoot, I may even use it as a stool.

This is the plywood cutting pattern. I plan out every cut to ensure I do not waste any material. If I can visualize the material, I can make adjustments to my design to minimize waste. 
I draw how to cut each beam to maximize its use. It is also important to consider the width of your cutting blade, because one small cut may not make a big difference, but many small cuts in a row will add up. The dotted blue lines are where I will cut the beam. 
I usually make a materials list. This helps me determine if I will have enough space to transport the material, as well as help me gain a rough idea on how much this project will cost. 

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