Friday, October 11, 2019

Fall Planting in a Sub-tropical Climate (Update)

In addition to what I have in the tower, I also planted a verity of vegetables in individual planters on 30 September, and just starting to see the first signs of growth. 
Can see some Green Pepper (Piman) sprouts to the left.

The leaf of this Bitter Melon (Goya, Nigauri) plant is larger than my previous plants. I have a lot of seed stock and some from fruit I ate, so believe these seeds are not from my original seed stock, but that's fine. I'm curious to see what the fruit looks like.

Some of the Strawberry Guava seeds are starting to sprout. Now Strawberry Guava is a tree, so I will need to transplant them soon.

I lost the Tomato plant to the left, but the other two are doing fine.

Both Eggplant are doing fine.

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