Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Mango Tree (Kitsu or Keitt)

Well, I finally did it. I got a Mango tree. This is a Keitt Mango (also known as, Kitsu in Japanese). Most people are familiar with the small reddish Haden, Irwin, Tommy Atkins or Palmer Mango fruit which are esthetically pleasing and taste good, but the sweetest Mango verities are the green one's, not to mention they are typically much larger. 

This tree is two or three years old and will most likely start fruiting in two or three more years, if I take care of it well. 

Many Mango verities require a green house to control the temperature, moisture and pests, but Kitsu Mango do just fine without a green house and are fairly drought resistant when not fruiting. 

However, as with most fruit trees, abundant watering is necessary when fruit are developing. But, just before harvesting stop watering the tree. This will encourage the tree to push all the nutrients to the fruit making the fruit sweeter.

Typhoon season is not quite over yet, so I am waiting to plant the tree in the ground, which I plan to do in late October or early November. More to come.

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