Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Shikuwasa Tree

The Shikuwasa tree in the back of the house is getting quite large, and it still thrives even after getting attacked by bark Beetles.  

I tried my best to fight them, but I know there is still some larva in the ground, because I can occasionally see saw dust. However, the tree survives and flowered like crazy. 

The tree is about three meters tall. I guess there were hundreds, if not thousands, of flowers. It smelled so good. 
There were so many bees and other types of pollinators visiting the tree constantly. I know the flowers would get pollinated.
I'm starting to see small fruit appear. I am curious how many will mature. Shikuwasa is an extremely fragrant fruit used in cooking, as garnishes and for juice. My favorite is Shikuwasa juice, but it takes a lot of fruit since the fruit is small and only the size of a cumquat, strawberry guava or large grape.   

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