Monday, April 1, 2024

Biwa (Loquat)

Biwa (Loquat) start budding in late October or early November and flower in early December.  
The fruit grows during the months of December and January and ready to pick on early February.

The birds love Biwa, so once the fruit start to appear I cover them with a paper bag.
Biwa have several large seeds and there is not a lot to eat, so you need a lot to really do anything with, but they are tasty. 

This tree is roughly four years old (seeds planted in the summer of 2020) and the second year it produced fruit. I only got a few the first year and a little more this year. I suspect it will continue to produce more and more as it matures. It is in a pot but seems to thrive. I have a tree in the back of the house planted in the ground, and though it is 3 meters tall with a thick trunk, it has yet to produce fruit.  

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