Thursday, December 2, 2021

Hibiscus (Pollination)

Some Hibiscus plants can self pollinate, but most cannot. This verity requires cross pollination. I want to collect some seeds from this plant for future planting, so I am cross pollinating a few flowers. I will only pollinate a few flowers, because I do not want this plant to use a lot of energy producing seeds.
You can collect Pollen from the Anther using a Q-Tip, or if there are two flowers close enough, just rub the Stigma of one flower with the Anther of another flower.
Rub the Pollen collected from the Anther of one flower to the Stigma of another flower. Hibiscus flowers normally fall off in a day or two if not germinated, but if the flower was successfully germinated the flower will remain on the plant for about 10-days before it dries up and falls off. The Ovary at the base of the flower will stay connected to the plant for about 60 days. After it dries up, remove it and extract the seeds. 

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