Monday, September 13, 2021

Jute Mallow (Nalta Jute)


My wife found this Jute Mallow at a farmer's market and decided to give it a try and we liked it. Some say it has a Spinach or earthy taste, but I did not notice. It's origins is not quite known, but is suspected to come from Asia or Africa. The leaves and flowers are high in fiber, vitamin A and C and commonly used in stir fries or soups as a thickener. Additionally, there are countless medicinal uses for the leaves of this plant.

I took the stems and planted them a copy of days ago and so far they are looking good. I cut off all the large leaves and left a few tiny ones. Also, it has been rainy, which helps. They will need a lot of water until they root, which takes most plants 7-10 days.  

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