Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Dragon Fruit

Dragon Fruit
These two Dragon Fruit flowered on 5 September. I pollinated the last three flowers using their own pollen, but they did not germinate; therefore, I'm confident these require cross-pollination, so I went to a community center where there are many Dragon Fruit and collected some pollen.
This is the pollen I collected.
I pollinated the two bottom flowers the night before and saved the rest by placing it in the refrigerator. I pollinated the top flower on 6 September using the pollen I placed in the refrigerator. I will know if I was successful in about a week.
I'm finding more flower buds.
(09/09) It has been around five days since I cross-pollinated these Dragon Fruit flowers and the fruit portion of the flower is still green, so believe I was successful. I will know for certain in a few more days.

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