Thursday, September 30, 2021

Butterfly Pea

Getting lots of Butterfly Pea flowers. Since they only last a day it is advantageous to pick them everyday.
I've been placing them in the refrigerator until I get enough for tea and found they store well. I picked some of these 3-4 days ago.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Dragon Fruit

I cross pollinated six Dragon Fruit and they are all doing fine.

New Lizard Buddy

I have a new Lizard buddy. I found a few of these Lizards in my Garden.
I wanted to cut down the Kanna plant the Lizard was on, so had to remove it.
I tried to put it on the Acerola tree, but it prefered the wall.  

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Myoga (Japanese Ginger)

Today I got a few Acerola, Strawberry Guava and a few Myoga. The three Myoga to the left are a little smaller than average, but the right one is a monster. I never got one this large. I hope it tastes fine. 

Monday, September 20, 2021

Dragon Fruit

I can see a slight sliver of white pedals on this Dragon Fruit flower, which indicates it will bloom tonight. I will have to visit my local community center to get pollen, but not sure if there are any flowers blooming. If I cannot get pollen, this flower will most likely not germinate.
As predicted the flower bloomed and luckily I was able to get pollen from a flower that was also blooming at a local community center.
It's the next day and it will take a week or so to tell if the flower germinated.
I pollinated a few other flowers on the 5th and 6th and they are doing well. They should be ready to harvest in 35-40 days or around 10-15 October.

Malabar Spinach (Tsuru Murasaki)

Malabar Spinach leaves can get quite large. Now that is a meal in of itself. The angle of the sun is changing and the plant is not getting as much sun as it did previously, which is why I suspect these leaves are getting larger. 

Okawakame (a kind of Madeira vine)

My Okawakame produces these ginger looking nodules at the leaf nodes as the vine matures (bottom right), but recently I've noticed it also produces this long flower (top left). I'm not sure what the flower will produce, but I suspect it will be a small berry with a seed inside, but I'll just have to wait and see.

Friday, September 17, 2021

Bird Next

I found another bird nest on top of my passion fruit trellis. This time it is a Pigeon. The nest is simple with one lone egg in the center layed on 16 September. Pigeons are not easily startled, so it does not leave the nest often, even when I go outside and sit. 
Found a second egg on the 18th.

Watermelon (Suika)

This Watermelon plant is growing out of season, but it is starting to flower and I hope the fruit matures.

Dragon Fruit

I had about 10 new Dragon Fruit flowers last week, but half did not make it and I'm now down to five. But, if I can successfully pollinate them I will get eight Dragon Fruit, which I would be grateful.

Myoga (Japanese Ginger)

Myoga season is nearly over, but my plants are producing tons.
These are just some of the Myoga that still remaining. I will wait until they are a little larger to pick.

Stick Bug

Every year I seem to find a single Stick Bug in my garden.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Fruit Trees

I have not posted the status of my fruit trees since early March. In the past six months they have grown quite a bit and some have actually produced fruit. 

Side Balcony

I have some saplings on my side balcony that I did not have in March. I will transplant them once they get a little larger.

Yuzu and New Summer Orange trees
New Summer Orange
Apple Mango
Once this tree reach about a foot, I will cut the tip off so it branches.

Front Yard

Grapefruit (corner)
Loquat (Biwa)
Produced lots of Peaches, but lost most of them due to heavy rain.
Guava (White)
Still has fruit.
Strawberry Guava
Produced many fruit.
From a Nursery. I suspect this tree will fruit next year.
Sweet Valentine Orange
I suspect this tree will fruit next year.
Kumquat (Kinkan)
Produced fruit, but the tree got sick; therefore, I removed all the fruit and trimmed the branches. I also removed the tree and replaced the soil. It is now recovering and doing well.
Hibiscus (not a fruit tree)
Plumeria (not a fruit tree)

Back Yard

Loquat (Biwa)
Surinam Cherry
Produced a few Cherries this year.
Persimmon (Kaki)
Guava (Red)
Produced about 40 fruit and starting to bud again.
Acerola Cherry
Heavy producer. Bloomed four times this year and produced about 6kg (13lbs) of cherries and blossoming again for the fifth time.
Kitsu Mango
Flowered last year, but I cut off the flowers. Did not flower this year, but I expect fruit next year. I will start training the branches.
I expect this tree to fruit next year.
I trimmed this tree this year and expect it will fruit next year.

Second Floor Balcony

I started this from a cutting about 2-years ago. It is healthy, but growing slowly.