Sunday, December 20, 2020

Tomato (Beefsteak and Cherry)

I planted a few seeds from a store bought beefsteak Tomato on 20 November and seeds from a Cherry Tomato my neighbor gave me on 28 November and so many sprouted. In total I transplanted over 50 seedlings and seeds are still sprouting. 
I planted six beefsteak seedlings in this planter. There are still a few plants left over from last season that are still producing, so left them. I just added some fertilizer, minerals and some more soil. 
The round planters on the left side are mostly beefsteak Tomato plants and the round planters on the right side are mostly Cherry Tomato plants. 

Cherry Tomatoes.
Beefsteak Tomato plants.
Beefsteak Tomato plants.
Beefsteak Tomato plants. I may have too many plants in this container, but I'll see.
Cherry Tomato plants. Again, I may have too many plants in this container, but I'll see.

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