Wednesday, December 23, 2020


There are over 120 types of Dracaena shrub like plants, but not sure what type this is. I have several varieties and love them because they require no attention and look good. I cut the branches when they get too tall and try to keep each branch at a different height to add balance. They can be twisted together, split, cut at levels, and shaped to look beautiful, if you have the desire and eye for that kind of thing. I use a different variety of Dracaena in the back of my house as a sort of fence because they grow fast and can get quite dense, plus the leaves are bright red when they are young and become a deep dark red as they mature. So beautiful. 

Here I'm trying to create two branches. All I did is cut the branch where I want the new branches to grow and bingo, two new branches appeared in a matter of weeks.

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