Thursday, December 31, 2020


(12/31) This is a runner I placed in a small bag with soil about a month ago. It grew a pretty good root system, so I cut the runner from the main plant and transplanted it. 

Passion Fruit (Purple)

(12/31) Many flowers recently and a few fruit starting to develop.
More Flowers.
Some flowers blossom on top the trellis which makes it difficult to pollinate.
Passion Fruit.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020


I transplanted this Eggplant seedling from the starter try on 23 November and it is doing well. 
I transplanted this seedling from a starter try on 11 December and it is doing well. 
I planted seeds directly on 11 December to see how this method works with Eggplant. 
I planted some Eggplant seeds in this container. There is also a Carrot. I'll see how well they co-exist. 

Japanese Sweet Potato (White Satsumaimo))

(12/30) I harvested Japanese Sweet Potatoes (White Satsumaimo and Beni Imo) from this container on 25 November and replanted White Satsumaimo slips immediately. They are growing well. As I mention often, the same soil can be used for years if there are no pests or disease present. Just add some fertilizer and nutrients to the soil before planting the new slips.


(12/30) Starting to see more and more Beet sprouts. Some seeds did not sprout, so planted some more seeds in the blank spaces a few days ago.

Daikon (Red)

(12/30) I planted some more Daikon (Red) radishes. This verity is different from the Red Daikon I grew previously that was 6-8 inches long. These are much smaller (2-3 inches), but larger than the typically round radish you would find in a supermarket.

Daikon (White)

(12/30) Daikon looking quite healthy. My puppy loves the stems of Daikon and recently found them, so she has been nibbling on the leaves hanging over the edge of the container. Thank goodness she is not big enough to get inside :)


Sunny Lettuce (Red Leaf Lettuce)

(12/30) The top two planters contain Sunny Lettuce (Red Leaf Lettuce). I planted the top planter about a month before the second and it is now starting to bolt. I will leave them flower and harvest the seeds for future planting. The third planter contains Pakuchi (Cilantro) and the bottom, green onions.

I planted this Lettuce on 8 October about a month after the second container, along with some beets.

I need to get some more Lettuce growing, so planted more seeds. This is Green Lettuce. It is a loose leaf Lettuce like Sunny Lettuce, but the leaves do not turn red.


Passion Fruit (Purple)

(12/30) My Passion Fruit started to flower about 10 days ago, but tt was rainy and I failed to pollinate many due to the moisture; however, I have been successful with the recent flowers and now starting to see small Passion Fruit develop.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Guava (Red)

(12/29) My small Guava tree in the back of the house has about 17 buds and some are starting to bloom.

Paprika (Red Peppers)

(12/29) My Paprika plants have a few Peppers, but not doing so well. A few months ago they were stressed by stink bugs that suck the sap in the leaves, but I could get rid of them and the plants are now starting to recover. Pepper plants live for over a year and can produce a lot of fruit, so it's worth pampering them.
It takes a Pepper plant ago five months to grow, so planted some more seeds to grow a new plant.

Thursday, December 24, 2020


Of the 120 types of Dracaena plants, I have 14 types. Some Indoors, but most outdoors. Some look extremely similar, but are different. For example. seven and eight have the same leaf color pattern, but seven has short curly leaves that grows in groups, while eight has straight leaves that grow up the stock. Five and Eleven look similar, but Eleven has really slender leaves and five has broad leaves.
Seven (Song Of India)

Wednesday, December 23, 2020


There are over 120 types of Dracaena shrub like plants, but not sure what type this is. I have several varieties and love them because they require no attention and look good. I cut the branches when they get too tall and try to keep each branch at a different height to add balance. They can be twisted together, split, cut at levels, and shaped to look beautiful, if you have the desire and eye for that kind of thing. I use a different variety of Dracaena in the back of my house as a sort of fence because they grow fast and can get quite dense, plus the leaves are bright red when they are young and become a deep dark red as they mature. So beautiful. 

Here I'm trying to create two branches. All I did is cut the branch where I want the new branches to grow and bingo, two new branches appeared in a matter of weeks.

Jasmine and Marjoram

(12/23) I added a few more herbs to my herb garden. I got a Jasmine cutting from a neighbor during the summer and planted it directly. It did not start to grow until just recently. I will not be able to tell what type of Jasmine this is until it flowers. The flower of the Jasmine plant has an extremely strong sweet amorma, so I plan to keep it in a planter in case I have to move it. I intend to use the Jasmine flowers to make tea. Jasmine is also used as a medication to treat stomach problems and liver ailments.

Marjoram tastes very similar to Oregano, but sweeter, and a suitable substitute; however, I intend to use it to make tea. It is extremely easy to Propagate. A cutting placed in water will grow roots in days and can be planted in about a week to 10 days. I planted my first plant a few weeks ago, took cuttings and now have about 10 plants. It's really easy.  

Monday, December 21, 2020

Lemon Grass

(12/21) After drinking lemon tea made from Lemon Grass I just had to add this to my herb garden and found some at a local farmers market. 
Tea: Cut 4-5 blades above the node. Cut in 2-3 inch sections and boil. Add a little honey and enjoy.

Propagation: In the Spring, gently dig up some of the stocks and separate them at the Rhizome. Place in water until sufficient roots have grown to plant. Ensure the water is changed often.

Papaya Pickels

Select a medium sized green Papaya (200-400 grams).

The size of the Papaya is not that critical, but if a larger Papaya is selected you may have to double the receipt. Also, the larger the Papaya the riper it may be. This Papaya is just starting to ripen, but still has good texture. A rip Papaya will be too soft and will not make good pickles. 
Wash the Papaya and cut in half.
Use a spoon and remove the seeds and inner membrane. 
Remove the skin and cut each half in half again.
I like my pickles thin and use a slicer, because green Papayas have an excellent texture even thin; however, you can cut them as thick or thin as you desire, but thicker slices may take longer to pickle. Thin slices can be eaten hours after making.
Place all the slices in a bowl.
Let the slices soak in water for about 10 minutes and drain well. Pat dry with a paper towel or spin them.

    Kantan Vinegar (100 cc)
    Pickle Seasoning (teaspon)
    Shiso Juice (50 cc) (see my blog on how to make Shiso Juice)
Add all ingredients to a container.
Add Papaya slices and mix well. Cover and store in the refrigerator.

Sunday, December 20, 2020


(12/20) I had a spare planter, so planted some more Beets.


Tomato (Beefsteak and Cherry)

I planted a few seeds from a store bought beefsteak Tomato on 20 November and seeds from a Cherry Tomato my neighbor gave me on 28 November and so many sprouted. In total I transplanted over 50 seedlings and seeds are still sprouting. 
I planted six beefsteak seedlings in this planter. There are still a few plants left over from last season that are still producing, so left them. I just added some fertilizer, minerals and some more soil. 
The round planters on the left side are mostly beefsteak Tomato plants and the round planters on the right side are mostly Cherry Tomato plants. 

Cherry Tomatoes.
Beefsteak Tomato plants.
Beefsteak Tomato plants.
Beefsteak Tomato plants. I may have too many plants in this container, but I'll see.
Cherry Tomato plants. Again, I may have too many plants in this container, but I'll see.