Monday, July 22, 2019

Upside down Tomato

Tomatoes, Green Peppers and many other plants grow well upside down. This is a nice option when you do not have a great deal of space, like balcony gardening.

I found a pot that was used for trick-or-treating. I bored two holes at the top for a wire to hang the pot.  
Next I cut a hole in the bottom.

I used some matting I use to line the bottom of my planters and cut a slice down the middle. This will be used to hold the plant in the hole.
I removed one of the plants I temporarily planted in the planter with the Potatoes.

I hung the pot up, stuck the roots of the plant through the hole. From inside I placed the stock of the plant through the matting to hold the plant in place and filled the pot with potting soil.

The plant will start to curl upward since that is it's natural direction. Let's see how this does in a few weeks.

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