Saturday, July 27, 2019

Red Cucumber (Moi) Update

The Red Cucumber (Moi) is growing at roughly 1cm to 2cm a day and starting to turn brown at the very top. You can see a little brown on the 27 July picture.
24 July (15cm long) 

25 July (16cm long) 

26 July (17.5cm long) 

27 July (20cm long) 
29 July (21cm long) 
3 August (24 cm long) I will pick this in a few days once the entire fruit looks like it has cracks, like it looks at the top.

I lost the first Moi baby probably since it did not get pollinated, but I found this one the other day and pollinated it myself. I'll be able to tell if I was successful in a few day.
(3 August) the second Red Cucumber (Moi) is growing quickly. As mentioned above, I found a third fruit and pollinated it myself, but not sure if it made it yet. I also found a forth Moi on my second floor balcony and pollinated it.

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