Thursday, August 26, 2021

Japanese Sweet Potato (Beni Imo)

These Beni Imo slips were planted on 1 January and harvested on 22 August, which means they were neary 9 months old. I have another container of Beni Imo and will not plant Beni Imo slips in this container again; instead, I will plant standard purple Satsumaimo slips.
I turned over the container and could immediately see tubers.
This container produced some pretty nice sized tubers. Well worth the 9-month wait. Also, I got one purple Satsumaimo (haha). A vine must have crossed over from another container. It is at the bottom right. 
2kg (4.6 lbs)
Need to lay them out in a cool dry location to cure for 10-14 days.
Added some new soil (10kg), fertilizer (4-6 hand fulls) and some nutrients specific for potatoes, carrots, Onions and other similar vegetables. Then I made slips from purple Satsumaimo vines I have in another container. I will harvest these next May.
These slips have grown quite well in just two weeks. I moved the container so the vines can grow through the rails of my second floor balcony. They will hang down to my first floor and provide a little shade, while at the same time get lots of sun. 

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