Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Guava (Strawberry)

I have Strawberry Guava bushes planted all around my property and they are full of fruit. The fruit are at different stages of development, so I suspect I will be able to enjoy them for weeks.
My neighbor asked why they are called Strawberry Guava, since they are not red nor do they taste like Strawberries. Actually, there are verities that are red like Strawberries, but this type happens to be yellow. Regardless, I prefer Strawberry Guava over regular Guava, because they are sweeter and the seeds are smaller. Plus, the bushes take up less space and produce a lot. 
They are bite size with the average fruit a little smaller than a golf ball (I compared) and weighing roughly 30 grams (1 oz). The peel has no flavor, so you can simply wash and eat them like you would a cherry or strawberry. 

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