Monday, June 21, 2021

Lemon Grass

Lemon Grass grows quickly. This is a picture from 25 May.
(06/21) A month later it had nearly doubled in size. The stockes and blades are much larger, but what I'm waiting for are the rhizomes to start growing. This will create even more Lemon Grass. I suspect in a year or two there will be more than I can use.
I cut some Lemon Grass about two weeks ago from the back of my house, but did not like the taste so much. It tasted green, like weeds were mixed in. So, I added fertilizer and pulled any weed I could see. Perhaps the soil is causing this issue. It regrows quickly.
This is Lemon Grass I have in a planter. It tastes really fresh, but I already used all the blades and need to let it regrow.
(07/11) It had been a couple weeks since I added the fertilizer and it has been raining a lot, so I decided to just cut down one bunch and see how it turned out.
I got a ton. The blades are about 7 foot long (2 meters) and I tasted the end of each stock to ensure it was Lemon Grass and nothing mixed in. It actually tasted pretty good.
Then I washed the Lemon Grass well. It was so long I had to use the bathtub. I took four stocks and made tea. It was good. There is still a little green taste, but much better than before. I believe the Lemon Grass I have in the back of my house and in the planter are different varieties. I bought them at different places and the grass in the back of my house is much taller and broader. I will keep working to improve the taste.

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