Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Bird's Nest

(06/08) I found a bird's nest on my Passion Fruit trellis, but there were no eggs or chicks. I was wondering why birds were hanging around my trellis recently and now I know.
(06/10) Today I found two eggs in the nest and have not seen the birds in days. I wonder if they need to brood them or what. I'll keep an eye on them.
(06/10) Today I found a third egg, but based on the size of the nest I suspect this will be the last. From what I read it takes about 20 days for most bird eggs to hatch, so will post pictures of the chicks when they hatch. By the way, the parents are brooding them. Everytime I go outside I disturb them and they fly away. Sorry about that birdies.
(06/26) All the eggs hatched and the chicks look fine. They are shivering, but it is very warm here and think they will be just fine.
(06/27) I can see their ears and their eyes are closed, but I'm starting to see feathers develop.
(06/28) I guess I startled them and suspect they are scared, so they are staying still.
(07/01) Hungry
(07/02)  This is the last picture I got of them in the nest before they flew away a few hours later. They all made it, but it took a few hours for them to learn to fly. 
(07/02) One of the chicks flew to the front on my house and crashed on the steps. It was so scared, but in an hour or so it started to fly short distances until it was in my neighbors property.
(07/02) I found a second chick clinging to the side of my neighbors house screaming like crazy. I do not think the mother could do much but was calling back. Eventually, it made it to the ground and eventually flew away. I found the third chick on my fence learned to keep its balance. It was so cute, but eventually it flew away too.

Now this is incredible. These birds started to lay eggs on 10 June and 22 days later the chicks were flying. 

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