Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Shikuwasa Tree (Blossoms)

I planted what I thought were Shikuwasa seeds about three years ago and finally got blossoms. I'm pleased that I got blossoms, but I am now wondering if this is actually a Shikuwasa tree, because it is blooming late and this tree has thorns. The Shikusawa trees I've seen do not have thorns. I read that most citrus trees do naturally have thorns, but it is bread out; however, since I grew this from a seed I'm getting the original verity. I'm really not sure, but will know in a few months once the fruit develops. Stay tuned. 

Well, I spoke with a professional at a local nursery and he confirmed that most citrus trees grown from seed with have thorns. But, unlike many trees grown from seed Shikuwasa typically starts producing in three years, like a Peach tree. This tree is roughly three years old, which makes sense.

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