Saturday, May 8, 2021

Bitter Melon (Goya, Nigauri)

Today in May 8th, which makes it Goya day in Japan. Note that May is the fifth month. In Japanese, the number five is pronounced "Go" and one way to pronounce eight is "Ya". 

Anyway, these are Goya that again grew on their own. I do not have to plant them anymore, but do prefer the particular type that sprouted this year. These are dark green, long and thin. The other type are a lighter color, shorter and rounder. The taste is the same, but the texture is different. The rounder one's are softer and a little less bitter, but they tend to mature faster. So if I miss to pick them at the wrong time they will ripen and explode on the vine. They must be picked at the hint of any color change that day. 

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