Tuesday, February 2, 2021


I've got Tomatoes growing all over. This post is not all the plants I have, but a majority. The left side is primarily beefsteak Tomatoes and the right side are Cherry Tomatoes. I planted these in mid-November, which makes them around two and a half months old. They are doing well with no health issues or pest problems so far.
These are plants I planted in an extra container on my second floor balcony. They are doing well, but a little crowded.
These are plants I planted in an extra container in my driveway. They are doing well, but like the plants in the other container they are a little crowded.
These are plants that continued to grow from last season. They are flowering and have some Tomatoes developing.
Starting to get little groups of Tomatoes all over the plants from last season. These are beefsteak Tomatoes.

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