Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Japanese Sweet Potato (Purple Satsumaimo)

I planted these Japanese Sweet Potato slips on 8 August, so they were almost six months old.
I placed the planter on a blue tarp and cut all the vines off at soil level and set them aside to make slips from for replanting.
I flipped over the planter and sifted through the soil to find the tubers.
I added three handsful of fertilizer, a handful of nutrients and 5kg (11lbs) of fresh soil to the soil on the tarp and placed it all back in the planter.
I made about 20 slips from the vines I set aside, planted them and watered them well.

I got 1.3kg (3lbs) of decent sized tubers from this planter, which seems to be average. I will leave these in the soil for seven months this time and see if I can get larger tubers. 
I placed them in a cool dry place to cure for 10-14 days.
Here are all the Japanese Sweet Potatoes I got in the past month. I believe it amounts to roughly 3.5kg (7.7lbs) of potatoes.


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