Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Japanese Sweet Potato

White Beni Imo (2020.07). I have eight Japanese Sweet Potato containers and this bucket. I like the leaves of the White Beni Imo, so planted them in a bucket and built a stand for my garden. The vines grow quickly, so I just trim them once in a while. I planted these vines last July and wonder how big the tubers are. I check the soil once in a while to see if I can see any tubers popping out, but so far nothing; however, I suspect I will have to harvest them soon and start the vines again.
Purple Beni Imo (2021.01.01) on my second floor balcony. I typically get about 1.3kg (2.8lbs) of Japanese Sweet Potatoes from each container after six months, but I am going to leave these grow 7-8 months to see if I can get some larger tubers.
Purple Beni Imo (2021.01.12) on my second floor balcony.
Purple Satsumaimo (2021.02.02) on my second floor balcony.
White Satsumaimo (2020.11.26) on my second floor balcony.
White Satsumaimo (2021.01.12) on my second floor balcony.
Purple Beni Imo (2021.01.24) in the front of my house.
White Beni Imo (2021.01.21) in the front of my house.
Purple Satsumaimo (2020.09.28) in the front of my house.

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