Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Japanese Sweet Potato (Verities I'm Growing)

I am growing four types of Japanese Sweet Potatoes. Each has it's own flavor, texture and use. 
The standard purple Satsumaimo, often referred to as "Japanese Sweet Potato", is perhaps the most well known. It is usually steamed or baked. When cooked the inside turns light yellow and is sweet and creamy. 
The standard Beni Imo is indigenous to Okinawa, Japan. The inside is deep purple. It is sweet but a bit dry, so it is often used to make pastries.  
I have not had the chance to eat the White Beni Imo, but I suspect it is similar to the Standard Beni Imo. Stay tuned for updates.
The White Satsumaimo is a little sweet and the inside remains white when cooked. I use it like I would a regular potato. In fact, I prefer it is stews since it is a little sweet, but it cooks quickly.

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