Wednesday, September 30, 2020


(9/30) I am not exactly sure when I planted these Peanuts, but I believe it was last October or November, but by the beginning of January the plant was well established and was 10-12 cm (4-5 inches) tall. 

I read that Peanuts can be harvested once the plant starts to turn yellow. Just a week ago the plant looked fresh, but last night it was quickly starting to die and the leaves were becoming dry, so I decided to harvest. 

I could see the Peanuts as soon as I started to pull out the plant. They do not grow very deep. This container had about a foot of soil, but the Peanuts were very near the surface.
I was a little disappointed. I only got 200 grams (7 oz) of Peanuts. I will eat a few just to try them, but most I will use for new planting.

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