Monday, September 28, 2020

Japanese Sweet Potato (White Satsumaimo)

(9/28) I planted these Japanese Sweet Potato (Satsumaimo) slips (cuttings) on 23 March, which was over six months ago. I had them sitting in my driveway, which is hotter than my balcony, so was not sure how they would turn out. 
The first thing I normally do is cut off all the vines at soil level. I usually cut 6-10 inches off the ends of each vine to make slips for new planting, but decided not to grow this verity anymore; therefore, I just tossed them in my mulch pile. 
I turn over the container.
I loosen the soil to find the tubers.
Decent size.
This container produced a decent harvest.
I got 2.1 kg (4.7 lbs).
I lay the tubers outside in a cool dry place to let them cure for 10-14 days. This allows the skin to dry and any scares to heal over before I store them. I do not wash them and do not let them touch each other during the curing process.

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