Thursday, September 10, 2020

Myoga (Japanese Ginger)

(9/10) My Myoga (Japanese Ginger) is starting to produce a lot of Ginger. I picked these today, but there are many more.  


  1. Hi, I'm wanting to grow plants here in Okinawa, but am having difficulty finding plants. Where should I go to purchase them?

  2. I get many from MakeMan or Sakamoto, but some plants from the supermarket can be used too. Check my blog for Celery, Tomatoes, Onion, Potatoes, Green Peppers, Eggplant and more. If you have something in particular, I can help you.

  3. Also, if you cannot find something at one of the stores it probably means it is not in season. You can grow just about anything anytime in Okinawa, but that does not mean it will grow well or produce.
