Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Red Cucumber (Moi)

(26 December) 
Red Cucumber (Moi) out of season, but growing well.
(2 January)
(8 January)
This Moi is not as large as normal, but starting to turn brown, so will be ready to be picked in about two weeks.
The Moi has not grown, but starting to ripen. 
(15 January) This Red Cucumber has not grown much, but is starting to mature as it turns brown. It will be ready to pick once it gets a nice dark brown and the skin looks like it has cracks. It can remain on the vine for weeks or even months and remain editable, but best when picked in a week or two when ready.
I could have let the Cucumber on the vine a little longer until it became dark brown, but found that it was not growing so decided to pick it. Additionally, the pot this vine was growing also has Bitter Melon which were starting to grow, so thought to clear the planter for them. I went ahead and prepared a new and larger planter for new Cucumber plants. See my 27 January post.

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