Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Green Peppers (Piman)

I picked a couple Peppers for my co-worker a few days ago and found four today I missed. There are some small Peppers a few centimeters, so should be able to pick a few more in about two weeks, plus I now have two more plants just starting to produce.

But I want to continue and highlight this particular plant, because I planted it last March and gotten 50, 60 or 70 Peppers from it. I stopped counting after 40, so not quite sure. I just add some fertilizer and some trace elements once in a while and it keeps going. It's stock looks like a tree trunk, no joke. I'll have to post pictures. By the way, I do not place it in direct sunlight, but rather tucked in the corner of my balcony. It gets a few hours of sunlight a day. I think this has been my success, plus I water it everyday and twice during the summer. 

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