Thursday, November 7, 2019


I planted Tomato plants in the tower along with Basil, Lettuce, Garlic and Green Peppers, but the Tomatoes took over. I am so surprised how well they are doing.

I started the Tomato plants in a bucket from a Tomato in the refrigerator that went bad. I just placed the Tomato in the bucket and covered it with dirt. The Tomatoes started to sprout about three weeks later and I later transplanted them into different areas of the tower.  

Now one positive point about transplanting Tomato plants is they can be planted deeper allowing the hairs on the stock to grow more roots than normal, which is why I think these plants are doing so well.

I bought the Tomato from the supermarket, so I do not know the verity, but it was a mid-sized Tomato. The plants are starting to flower and I can start to see small Tomatoes. I look forward to a great harvest.

By the way, these plants are doing so well, so I am trimming some of the lower branches and replanting them in different planters. They are all growing well, so anticipate I will have Tomatoes for many months since I've been doing this for weeks and have plants at various stages of growth. 

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