Saturday, November 9, 2019

Shell Ginger (Getto, Sannin)

The Latin name of Shell Ginger is Alphinia Zerumbet. In Japanese it is referred to as Getto and in the Okinawan language it's known as Sannin.

Shell Ginger is used in many ways due to its wonderful aroma, as well as its medicinal uses. The leaves are used to wrap soft rice, known as Omochi, to keep it moist and add flavor. It is boiled and drank as tea to sooth the stomach and some places use it to wrap sores to promote healing. It is considered one of the miracle plants in the Orient.

I had some Shell Ginger (Getto, Sannin) in my back yard but removed it to locate a planter; however, I like Shell Ginger and will grow more, but in a planter since it is quite invasive. I got these seeds from a plant in the park. They look like pebbles in a pod. Interesting! 

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