Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Crown Daisy (Shungiku)

I planted two Crown Daisy (Shungiku) plants last weekend and they are doing fine. 
They are cute. The leaves spread out during the day and perk strait up at night.
Crown Daisy has a unique taste and maintains a firm texture when cooked. It is used in East Asia, and in Japan it is a must ingredient in Sukiyaki. I will let one of these plants flower so I can collect the seeds for next year.
Sukiyaki is a simple, yet delicious dish, typically eaten during the winter season. The sauce is simply (1 cup sake, 1 cup Mirin, ¼ cup sugar, and 1 cup soy sauce). The standard ingredients are thinly sliced beef or white fish, Tofu, Shiitake Mushrooms, Carrots, Chinese Cabbage, scallions, and of course Shungiku.

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