Sunday, November 24, 2019

Tomato (Broken)

I have a Tomato plant growing in a planter in my side yard. It started to flower.

A couple of days ago we had a rain storm with some strong winds and broke the top of this Tomato plant, but all is not lost.

A pretty clean break. 

I removed the broken top of this plant. Some branches have flowers.
I separated the main branch and removed most of the leaves from each branch, except for the top portion. I should have taken more pictures, because I removed the leaves on the left and right to make a long stem.
I planted each branch as deep as possible. There are tiny hairs on the branches. These hairs will become roots when exposed to soil, so the deeper it can be planted the greater the chance of success. Most people will remove the flowers, as well, to help the plant generate root growth, but I have so many plants I want to experiment with this and see how well it grows, so I left most of the flowers on. Let's see....

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