Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Japanese Sweet Potato (Beni Imo)


These Japanese Sweet Potatoes (Beni Imo) were planted on 24 January 2021, which was about 10 months ago. I did not take a picture of the vines since they were pretty dried up.

I flipped over the container, pressed down the soil and removed the potatoes.
I did not get as many potatoes as I hoped for. I need to go back and see how many slips I planted, but I suspect not many. 
In the end I got 706 grams (1.5 lbs), which is less than average. 
I placed the Potatoes in a cool dry place to cure for 10-14 days.
I will not grow Beni Imo this time, but instead I planted 10-12 Purple Satsumaimo slips. The soil had no pests or other noticeable problems, so I added 20 kg (22 lbs) of fresh soil and 3 kg (6.6 lbs) of fertilizer to this container. Tomorrow I will add some nutrients to the top soil specialized for potatoes. 

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