Thursday, January 21, 2021

Japanese Sweet Potato (White Beni Imo)

Last May, I got a Sweet Potato cutting (slip) from a neighbor. I cut it in half and placed them in water until they grew roots. I normally do not place my slips in water to root, but rather plant them directly; however, not all the cuttings survive. Since I only had this one cutting, I wanted to enhance my chances of success and placed them in water to root before planting.
I planted them and they survived.
As the vines grew I took more cuttings and planted them.
I continued to take more cuttings and planting them.
In mid-August, I transplanted all the slips to a larger container.
In mid-January, I noticed a tuber sticking out of the soil and decided to harvest them.
I cut off all the vines at soil level and set them aside to make new slips.
I flipped over the container.
I sifted through the soil to find the tubers.
These are all the tubers I found. I replanted the smaller tubers.
I added fertilizer, nutrients and 10kg of new soil, and put it back in the container.
I made new slips from the vines I set aside and planted them directly.
I got 1.3kg (2.8 lbs) of tubers.
I placed the tubers in a cool dry place to cure for 10-14 days along with some other tubers I harvested a few days earlier.
These Sweet Potato vines (leaves) and tubers look different compared to the other Sweet Potato plants I grow. The left is the leaf and tuber from this harvest (White Beni Imo) and the right is the leaf and tuber from a White Satsumaimo. White Satsumaimo are not so sweet and can be used like a regular yellow potato. Purple Satsumaimo are sweet. I've not eaten the White Beni Imo yet and curious what it will taste like. 

Santan Flower (Jungle Geranium)

The Santan plant produces a beautiful orange flower and berries (seed) that will turn deep purple.
The berries will start off green, turn red and eventually turn to a deep purple.
I planted a Santan berry (seed) a few months ago and it finally started to sprout. I plan to plant all the berries once they mature to produce many more of these beautiful Santan plants.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Cosmos Flower


My wife found these expired Cosmos seeds on sale. I planted them about three weeks ago and they are sprouting.

Pansy Flower

Pansies have colorful heart shaped petals that are edible. My family grows them during the cooler season to add to our salads, desserts and dishes to enrich our meals.


Baby's Breath Flower

Baby's Breath is a small cute flower that is edible. We add these to our salads, desserts and dishes to add a little class.


Butterfly Pea (Clitoria ternatea)

Butterfly Pea (Clitoria ternatea) is a vine the produces a seed pod that resembles a Pea pod and a beautiful blue flower. The flower is used to make a beautiful blue tea. 
I was able to pick some dried Butterfly Pea pods a few months ago and plan to plant them, but need to find a place since this is a vine that needs plenty of space to grow.


Passion Fruit (Yellow)

I planted Yellow Passion Fruit seeds last summer. The vines grew slowly until recently. I ran a rope along the beams to allow the vines to climb. I do not expect any fruit from these vines this year, but I should get plenty next year if the typhoons do not damage them too badly. 

I collected these Yellow Passion Fruit seeds a few months ago. I planted a few in a container on the side of my house, which are different from the vines shown above. I will add the leftover seeds to my seed stock. Yellow Passion Fruit seeds are quite large, a little smaller than a Watermelon seed, with an interesting texture. In fact, I think they are beautiful. 


My Celery is doing great now that is has cooled down. 



I added a few more verities of Dracaena to my collection. I like the red, green, white and yellow streaks in the leaves. It will add some color to my garden.
I like the deep green leaves of this plant. The leaves of most plants are light green, but this solid deep green is a little different.
I'm not crazy about this verity. It almost looks like a weed, but it is a Dracaena, so I'll keep it.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Okra Seed

(01/10) I try and let a few plants grow to seed so I can collect the seeds for future planting. This is an Okra that started to split. You can seed the black round seeds inside.
Just this one Okra produced 43 seeds, which is enough for a whole season's planting. 


Saturday, January 2, 2021

Daikon (Red)

(01/02) This will be the third type of Daikon Radish I've grown. I am currently growing the giant White Daikon Radish that can grow 12-18 inches (30-45 cm) long and weigh 5-6 pounds (2-3 kg). 
Previously I've grown the medium sized Red Daikon Radish that gets between 6-8 inches (15-20 cm) long. This type is a smaller verity that will mature in about 30 days and get about 2 to 2.5 inches (6-7 cm) long. I'm planting these a little past the recommended planting season, but the temperatures here will be in range for this radish to grow, so expect a good harvest. 
I planted them on 27 December and noticed sprouts today. Radishes are one of the fastest growing vegetables a gardener can grow.
On 3 January, I noticed a lot of seeds had sprouted. Many people will simply clip the excess sprouts, but I find that wasteful; instead, I gently dug them up, seperate the sprouts and replant them. I may lose a few if I damage the roots, but just a few compared to cutting them. I suspect I will get about 40 radishes. I checked them today, 5 January, and did not notice any that died. All seem to be doing well and growing quickly. 

Dracaena (Red Edged)

Of all the Dracaena plants I presented in my posts, the Red Edged Dracaena is my favorite and the most difficult to grow for me. I've planted many, but this is the only plant that made it.



Yuzu is a citrus of East Asian origin and part of the Rutaceae family. It is believed to be a hybrid of ichang papeda mandarin and orange. It has a subtle lemon and orange taste and used in a host of Asian cuisines and juice.
I planted these seeds on 1 January. Trees grown from seed usually take 7-10 years to develop fruit and the fruit may not be true to the mother, so you are always taking a chance growing any fruit from seed, but it's the journey I enjoy.

Japanese Sweet Potato (Beni Imo)

I planted two Beni Imo potatoes that started to grow slips. I usually plant slips and usually get one tuber for each slip I plant, so curious to see what I would get out of planting a tuber directly.
I decided to harvest the Beni Imo on New Years Day.
One Beni Imo planted on 14 July and the other on 16 July.
I cut all the vines at soil level and set them aside.
I layed down a plastic sheet and turned over the container. I usually see tubers at the bottom, so felt this was not going to be a good harvest.
My suspicions were confirmed. I planted two Beni Imo and got two Beni Imo. 
I added 10kg (22 lbs) of new soil, fertilizer and nutrients. The soil was a little too moist, so I added some more drainage holes. I cut 14 slips from the vines I set aside and planted them. I hope each of these slips develop a tuber.