Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Japanese Sweet Potato (White Satsumaimo)

I planted these Japanese Sweet Potato slips on 26 May making them six months old. 
I can see a tuber coming out of the soil, which makes it apparent it is time to harvest.
I cut the vines at soil level and set them aside. I would cut the ends off to use as slips for replanting.
I spread out a tarp and place the container on its side.
I flip the container over and spread out the soil to find the tubers.
Large Beni Imo
Average size White Satsumaimo
This Beni Imo was rotten. The soil was too damp. I lost a few tubers, but drilled more holes in the container for better drainage.
I added some new clay soil for minerals, fertilizer and some plant food. 
I cut some slips from the vines I set aside and planted them.
I watered well.
Got 884g (1.9lbs) of Beni Imo.
Got 1,346g (2.9lbs) of white Satsumaimo.
Layed them out in a cool dry place to cure for 10-14 days.

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