Friday, August 30, 2019

Okawakame (a kind of Madeira vine)

My wife and I bought a bag of Okawakame seeds from a farmer's market. The seeds were sold to eat, but I decided to plant them. The seeds look like small Ginger root. I planted this particular seed about a week ago and it has already started to sprout.

Okawakame is a vine, so I planted it with the Bitter melon (Goya), right side, and Bush Beans (String Beans), left side. There is a white net against the wall to allow them all to climb.
Okawakame Seed
Okawakame Sprout 
Okawakame Vine


  1. Hi Okinawa Gardener,
    Local farmer introduced Okawakame to me today at the farmer's market. Just did an easy mixed salad of nama moroheya and komatsuna with the okawakame lightly steamed. Tomatoes and cucumber with pine nuts and soy/vinegar. Was darn good! Heading back next week to see if I can get some more, but this time to get some plants started!

  2. Michaels, glad to hear you like Okawakame. I bought the seeds from a farmers market and eat some and planted the rest. Now I have a jungle of the stuff.
