Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Mango (Kitsu Mango)

Finally, I have been able to produce Mango. These are Kitsu Mango, which are large green Mango and supposed to be the sweetest of all Mango verities. 

They are growing quickly, but do not mature until late August or mid-September, so many challenges to deal with. 

The Mango are already starting to pull down the branches, so I've used cord to suspend them. I know it looks crazy, but each fruit must be uniquely suspended. 

To prevent birds and bats from damaging them, I covered the tree with a net.

Typhoon season is coming soon, so hope this makes it through. I have the poles connected to metal stakes in the ground, so confident it will not blow away, but it might collapse. I have more poles, so plan to place them inside to strengthen the structure. 
Now that I know I can successfully grow these Mango, I will rebuild the structure next year using metal. Perhaps even make a greenhouse. 

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