Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Mango (Kitsu Mango)

Finally, I have been able to produce Mango. These are Kitsu Mango, which are large green Mango and supposed to be the sweetest of all Mango verities. 

They are growing quickly, but do not mature until late August or mid-September, so many challenges to deal with. 

The Mango are already starting to pull down the branches, so I've used cord to suspend them. I know it looks crazy, but each fruit must be uniquely suspended. 

To prevent birds and bats from damaging them, I covered the tree with a net.

Typhoon season is coming soon, so hope this makes it through. I have the poles connected to metal stakes in the ground, so confident it will not blow away, but it might collapse. I have more poles, so plan to place them inside to strengthen the structure. 
Now that I know I can successfully grow these Mango, I will rebuild the structure next year using metal. Perhaps even make a greenhouse. 


These Asparagus are almost two years old. I read that Asparagus produce seeds, but I never saw them before. I saw all the tiny flowers, but no seeds; however, this year I can see many seeds. 

Dragon Fruit

Dragon Fruit are starting to flower. Dragon Fruit typically flower from May to September. My challenge this early will be to find pollen from another plant to cross-pollinate from. I got cuttings from another plant that I am now propagating, but they will not be ready to produce flowers this year; however, next year I should not have an issue.

Getto (Shell Ginger)

Getto (Shell Ginger) is starting to flower. The flowers will produce seeds pods that will turn a beautiful orange and filled with seeds that look like little pebbles. Both the leaves and seeds are used to make tea that is healthy and delicious. It is odd, but the color of the tea is a beautiful deep pink. Getto has many medicinal properties, such as controlling blood pressure, relieves flu-like conditions and improves your digestion system. The leaves of the plant are often used to wrap mochi rice and stemmed for its delightful flavor.


This Inflorescence (baby Pineapple) is really starting to take shape. It is starting to grow it's own leaves and crown. So cute!

Fruit Bats

Fruit Bats love rip Papaya. These two bats ate a 2kg (5lbs) Papaya with no problem. I have so many Papaya I really do not mind it, but my Mango are getting bigger so will have to cover the tree to protect the fruit.



There are a few Tomatoes here and there with new plants popping up daily. The next batch of Tomatoes should be ready in 6-8 weeks.

Passion Fruit

It is Passion Fruit season again. The purple Passion Fruit are just starting to ripen and these yellow Passion Fruit should start to ripen in another month or so. There are so many fruit on the plant, plus it is still flowering. I have not counted, but I estimate there are 400-500 fruit on the vine at the moment and more to come. Last season I got over 700 fruit and suspect this season will be no different. 


Still getting a Strawberry on occasion.

Guava Juice Receipt

This season my Guava tree was so productive it was challenging to eat them all or even give them away, so instead I made Guava Juice. Guava is high in vitamin C and includes iron, vitamin A and calcium. And, unlike other fruits, Guava only contains 68 calories per 100 grams. Of course this is a personal choice, but to keep the calories down you can use Stevia, Monkfruit sweetener or coconut sugar. 

    500 grams Guava fruit
    350 grams water
    60 grams sugar/sweetener

    1. Wash the Guava
        Note: It is really important to wash before pealing
    2. Peal the Guava and place on scale (500g)
    3. Place Guava and water (350g) in blender
    4. On the lowest speed, mix for 20-30 seconds
        Note: fast speed will break the seeds    
    5. Transfer to a mix to a bowl and calendar 
    6. Use a spatula on the inside on the calendar
        Note: Guava seeds are small, so do not press the pulp
    8. Add sugar/sweetener (60g) to the mix, refrigerate and enjoy 
        Note: Add more water if too think