Monday, January 9, 2023


I planted this sucker I took from one of the beefsteak Tomato plants a few days ago and covered it with a bottle to create a sort of mini greenhouse. It is doing well.
This is a sucker I planted a few weeks ago and had covered with a bottle. It is doing well and getting quite large, so I removed the bottle.
This is a beefsteak Tomato plant I bought from a nursery. It is doing well and the stock is so thick. 
This is another beefsteak Tomato plant. It is doing well, but not as thick as the other plant. I do not think it is getting as much sun as the other plant.
All the following pictures are of self seeded cherry Tomato plants. 
I selected the strongest, but still have a few planters with multiple plants that I need to address.
I covered them with fertilizer before they sprouted and added some nutrient pellets once they sprout. 
Recently I covered the top soil with soft red clay soil intended for roses to prevent fungus from splashing onto the plant when watering.
Fungus and spider mites are my greatest problem. I can control the spider mites, but fungus it always a problem considering I live in a subtropical region with high humidity; however, I am hoping this fresh top soil will help. 

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