Monday, January 9, 2023

Green Lettuce, Beets, Red Radish, and Cilanto

This Lettuce plant is doing well and I need to remove the bottle soon.
These Lettuce plants are doing well, but still fragile, so will keep them covered a while longer. 
Clusters of Beet seedlings are sprouting. I need to separate them soon. These are salad Beets. They can be used like regular Beets, but are extremely sweet and can be eaten raw.
The seedlings on the left are salad Radishes. I need to separate them. To the right is a Tomato plant. I'm not sure where that came from :)
The Pakuchi (Cilantro) seedlings are doing well. They are still fragile, so will keep them covered a little longer. I've already started to plant more and will try and keep the cycle going all year. 

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